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What if their children or wife is the one that put out the decoration outside.

I am in total agreement for protecting our people. With that is this posted here as general information or something else. We know there is no rationale when it comes to registering. Did the person with the CP charge open the doors and the police saw something. Let’s be fair (lol) where is the check on drunk drivers or do they not drink and drive on Halloween. Where is the check on burglars wait that’s right they stay home and don’t trick or treat. Am I the only one who finds in strange when people get away from searching the media is all over posting on this -just saying.

This is how LE and AG’s and all the uninformed, unintelligent, corrupt people in government will fight against any success PFRs have in dismantling the unconstitutional registries and their overreaching restrictions. We win a no-sign case or get a restriction overturned, and they will simply ramp up the harassment under the heading of public safety and ensuring compliance. All while the general public cheers them on – as you can see in the comments section of some of these articles.

Yay – good job, LE! You cannot actually figure out how to solve any crime problems so go after PFRs all while people are being murdered, beaten, raped, and robbed and some of the crimes streamed online. And yes, people out there doing bad things to children, but hey, let’s make sure no one has a pumpkin on their porch, especially someone that has not committed a crime for years.

Surely someone here is on or has been on supervision in Ca. What does the restriction/prohibition say verbatim?

In CA if you are not under Supervision there is no requirement prohibiting decoration or handing out candy. If you are it’s no lights, No candy, no decorations. Sign on door saying no candy. No exceptions. Doesn’t matter who owns house

Operation Boo and its ilk across the states are nothing more than harassment checks to put bigger targets on registrants and their loved ones back, while they Pat their backs and demand bigger budgets. Time to take a big bite over their over bloated budgets and salaries.

I gurantee that they did. They went through my wife’s phone even though I had never touched it, used it or had access to it while I was on parole. There was nothing on it and the phones language was in spanish as my wife’s preferred language is spanish (which I barely understand the most rudimentary words and phrases). Took then close to 15 minutes to go through the whole thing. They even searched her email addresses that I don’t have the password for. They made her log into her emails and open all her messaging apps so they could search it.

I read all of the comments before writing this one, and I see where many posters here alluded to constitutional issues, and others that have nothing at all to do with the core reason LE was out checking on people in their caseload;

The core reason behind all of the checks and arrests, (except for the bozo who thought having CP at any time was a good idea), was because they were given court orders to follow as a condition of supervised release. They violated those court orders. This isn’t that difficult folks.

The courts may impose any conditions upon the defendants at the time of sentencing, and can even alter those conditions as needed, and the defendant has absolutely no options whatsoever but to follow those conditions imposed.

If they don’t want to be returned to custody, don’t violate the courts orders. There was nothing in the video that mentioned family members or others living at the residences for whom may have been responsible for the decorations. That doesn’t come into play in this news story.